Digestive Testing: Let's Figure Out What's Going On

Your symptoms and medical history provide great clues as to what is going on, alongside a hands-on physical exam, but lab tests can often show a more detailed picture, one very specific to your body. We can separate digestive testing into three main categories, based on what kind of sample we’re testing: blood, breath, or stool. Each category provides a window into different compartments of the body. If you’re struggling despite being told your labs are all “normal”, keep seeking answers.

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Dr. Annie Gibson, ND
Is Eating Yogurt As Good As Taking A Probiotic Supplement?

Good bacteria (probiotics) can provide tremendous health benefits for a variety of concerns. When used correctly, they can regulate irritable bowels, reduce urinary tract infections, modulate immune activity, and calm anxiety.

These live microscopic organisms come as powders, capsules, and even gummies. And there are probiotic-rich foods too. Yogurt is usually the first to come to mind. Which is why patients frequently ask “Is eating yogurt the same as taking a probiotic?”

In short, the answer is no. Let’s dive into the why.

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Dr. Annie Gibson, ND
Practical Tips to Reduce COVID-19 Anxiety

There is no right way to feel right now.

In this time of uncertainty, around health, finances, and how best to spend our days (which likely look radically different from last week), there is no correct response. Whether you’re feeling anxious, or scared, calm, ambitiously productive, or thankful for a slower pace, it’s all ok.

Here’s what’s helped me so far. I hope it helps you too.

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A Practical Guide to Limiting Your Food Waste 

Food waste is an enormous problem in Canada. A recent study estimates that the average Canadian throws away more than 100kg of food each year. Yikes! This is a problem both for the environment and for our wallets. It’s disheartening to spend hard-earned money on nutritious quality foods only to see it go bad before it gets enjoyed. Let’s put an end to food waste, or at the very least, make a big dent in the issue. Here are some tips to help reduce your food waste.

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Is Stress Making You Sick?: How Stress Affects Your Immune System

Stress is a consistent and significant player in your health. Nearly every cell in your body has receptors for stress hormones. When these chemicals are released in response to a stressor, either a physical or emotional threat, the cells of the body respond to activate different pathways and up- or down-regulate various functions. One system that’s sensitive to stress hormones is the immune system, your body’s defense and repair system. Interestingly, your body’s immune response to stress depends largely on the duration of the stress. 

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Canada's New Food Guide

The new Canada Food Guide is a HUGE step in the right direction. While I don’t agree with everything in the updated guide, the positives far outweigh the negatives. Shockingly, in our fairly health-seeking society, the national food guide has not been updated in over ten years! Well, it was about time. Everyone should take a look through the new food guide and digest (hehe) the new recommendations for themselves. Here are my thoughts on the updated Canada Food Guide (January 2019)…

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5 Tips to Make Your Healthy Eating Resolution Stick

One of the most common resolutions each year is eating healthier. Hooray! I can definitely get behind this resolution since diet is a significant contributor to health – in either a positive or negative direction, depending on what you are eating. Good intentions are a great start but turning the resolution into a daily habit is the important part. How do you make it stick? Here are my top 5 tips to turn your healthy eating resolution into healthy eating habits that will become part of your daily routine. 

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Happy Healthy Holidays

Christmas - my favourite holiday - is fast approaching! This means your holiday season of parties, treats, and gift-giving will soon be in full swing (if it isn’t already!).  The spontaneity and excitement of this season are enjoyable and rejuvenating, but adhering to healthy habits and routines becomes difficult. Don’t let the holidays de-rail your healthy habits or reverse the progress you’ve made toward your goals. There’s a lot you can do to stay on track and indulge in moderation. Learn a few tips to stay healthy over the holidays!

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All-or-Nothing... and the Precious Middle Ground

Looking to start some healthy habits or make a change? The all-or-nothing mentality is an asset in the short term. But in the longterm, expecting perfection (“all-or-nothing”) can be a recipe for defeat and frustration. Read more to find out how the all-or-nothing mentality fits in with making successful and sustainable dietary changes!

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Brain Health

If I asked you to name one organ you hoped would stay healthy into your old age, I bet you’d say heart or brain. That’s really no surprise since those two organs are essential to keep you alive. 

We rely on our hearts to pump oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to the rest of the body. And we rely on our brains to maintain order within the body, direct our decisions, regulate daily or monthly rhythms and metabolic processes, prevent overheating, keep our mood stable, and our memory sharp. That 3lb walnut-looking blob between your ears is exceptionally important and it’s worth taking care of it early!

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The Skinny on Fat

For many years, fat has been a dirty word in the realm of healthy eating. Fat was thought to contribute to weight gain, heart disease, and metabolic diseases such as diabetes, so low-fat diets were encouraged and fearfully adhered to. But lately, the pendulum swung in the other direction. High-fat, low-carb diets are all the rage. So what are the pros and cons of dietary fats? Are there really good fats and bad fats?

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